Posts Tagged ‘pets’

How to Move House With Cats
Cats don't like change and everybody knows it. Once they get used to an enclosed space like your home, tearing them away from it is equivallent to an apocalyse to the poor furry creatures. But, moving house doesn't only have its bad sides. We know cats love cardboard boxes. Read on to find out how to use this to your advantage in the Fantastic Removals team house moving tips for moving with cats. Read More

How to Move House With a Pet Rabbit
Image source: Pixabay / Anastasia Gepp
Rabbits are one of nature’s cutest bundles of fluffy joy, watching them frolic and twitch their little noses can bring a smile to the faces of even the grumpiest of us. Their overwhelming cuteness, fluffiness, …
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How to Move Your Pet to Australia
"Moving your dog or cat to Australia could be a challenging activity and you will need to invest quite a bit of time and expect to pay thousands, because of the strict laws regarding pet transportation into the country. This step-by-step guide will help you navigate through the long and complicated process of fulfilling all the necessary requirements of bring your pet with you." Read More

How to Move House With a Dog in the UK
Dogs need preparation before moving to the new house- food, toys, doggy pillows and blankets, collar and leash, grooming supplies, new dog-friendly locations etc. Do your moving house with dogs checklist and don't forget to keep them comfortable. Read More